little by little

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Englannin sanakirja

little by little (englanti > suomi)

  1. hiljalleen, vähän kerrassaan, vähitellen, vähä|alt=vähä vähältä, pikkuhiljaa

little by little englanniksi

  1. A small amount at a time.

  2. 1861, w:Charles Dickens|Charles Dickens, Great Expectations, ch. 59:

  3. Everything else has gone from me, little by little, but I have kept this.
  4. 1905, w:P. G. Wodehouse|P. G. Wodehouse, The Head of Kays'', ch. 13:

  5. Little by little his head cleared, and he began once more to take a personal interest in the battle.
  6. 2011 March 6, Jack Healy, " Baghdad Neighborhood Celebrates as a Wall Is Taken Away," New York Times (retrieved 22 Nov 2011):

  7. Iraq's government has been removing blast walls little by little since late 2008, trying to restore a semblance of normalcy to this bunker city.
